Encouraging people to follow their dreams, learn, be inventive, and break down barriers is important to a society that keeps moving forward in a positive and productive way. This book celebrates women in technology, and the people who inspired them.

This book has a dedication page in memory of one of the cybersecurity industry cohort from Australia who was passionate about the industry and supporting others, in memory of Kyle Maher 1989-2021.

This book is an easy read so a diverse age group can enjoy it, and has been written to encourage and empower all people of any gender, background, or race, to strive for their dreams whatever they may be. As a global community we need to break down barriers created by stereotypes whether that is about men in female dominated roles or women in male dominated industries. It is an easy read and meant for people of all ages. It contains lists, trivia, and information.


Activity and Colouring Books - Women in Tech